Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hey man--you're in MySpace

Interesting article about presidential candidates and MySpace. I told you John Edwards is the best.

C'mon Mayonesa y Plano . . . let me get through Moot Court. Then I'll give you some Alico-style commentary. Since my last review, I've read Booker T. Washington's Up From Slavery and Keith Ablow's Compulsion. Who knows--I may even finish Robin Cook's Acceptable Risk. You won't want to miss out . . . !


Anonymous said...

Alright Alico, I'll give you a break until after moot court. So, we should have insightful commentary come FRIDAY? Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

mikeanesa, or is it mayoroni, says

shoulders back, chin up, head straight, and sing it like you've got a pair.