Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Case of the Missing Grades

I'm not usually the one to complain about this, so I'll let others vent.  Does anybody know where the Negotiable Instruments and Basic Tax grades are?  Has anybody heard anything?  Am I the only one who hasn't gotten either of those grades?

And for my reader or two who thinks I'm whining too soon, I'll remind you that we took these finals back in October and that the two grades I don't have seemed to be the easier two to grade.  [Makes frustrated sound.]  Law school.


ALV said...

I'll see your negotiable instruments and tax and raise you a client counseling. 3 of my 5 grades are MIA, which is a tad troubling since we're probably going to have to register for spring in a week or so, right?

Jeremy Masten said...

I know some professors in other departments at Baylor who have something like 4 days to grade their exams. I knew I should have gone for a master's in something . . .

Jon Swanburg said...

Four days is generally unacceptable at the B-School unless the exam has 10+ pages of essay and the professor has at least 40 to grade.

Graders like RR and Prof. Contracts are the norm rather than the exception.